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    Application Request for Puppy


Fill out the application before payment can be accepted 

Once application is filled out, I will contact you

Pet/Companion Puppy Price For All Colors - $1600

$400 Non-Refundable Partial Payment

Accepted via Zelle at 715-415-3907


Thank You!

* Required fields
Name *
E-mail Address *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home *
Yard *
Phone Number: *
Preferred Contact
Best Time To Contact
Financially able to care for a high maintenance breed *
First Choice *
Reason for Purchasing Puppy *
Have you owned a poodle before? *
Tell us about the home / family the puppy will be staying with and what the puppies day will look like in a 24 hour period *
Other Animals In The Home *
How Did You Find Us *
If this puppy will be for breeding, tell me about your breeding program and how long you have been breeding?
I agree with the Puppy Contract *
I agree with the Vaccination Protocol *
Veterinarian Reference *
Choice of Color *
Older Dog Available



Send us an Email:


Call or Text 
