Araeah's Red Standard Poodles will be following Dr Dodds Protocol (below) for all future litters born at my home beginning June 1st, 2016
I feel that puppies have their Mothers immunity to protect them until at least 9 weeks of age, therefore I will not provide any vaccinations before puppies leave my home.
Over vaccinating can cause many health problems in our dogs and we need to advocate for them.
Just say "No" to your vet.
Do some research, as our Vets are great people, but sometimes push for too many unnecesary vaccines and procedures.
I use / recommend K9 Advantix for my dogs from protects from: Mosquitos, ticks and fleas so no need double dosing with frontline/heartguard combination or any other.
I do not recommend the use of Nexgard, Simparica Trio or Seresto flea and tick collar for dogs.
I also recommend the NuVet Supplement daily wafer for your puppy...they have been started on the wafer before leaving Araeah's after weaning is complete. This supplement supports their immune system giving them added protection.
I do not recommend giving the Lepto vaccine as I have heard many controversial opinions on this drug and the side effects it can cause.
I also do not vaccinate any of my dogs with the Canine Influenza vaccine.
Some vets will try and vaccinate our dogs with 2, 3 or sometimes more vaccines at one time, please do not let them do this. Our pets cannot tolerate all at one time. Rabies should always be given alone with no other vaccines.
Follow the vaccine protocol below and that is all they need!
2013 and 2014 Vaccination Protocol
Note: The following vaccine protocol is offered for those dogs where minimal vaccinations are advisable or desirable. The schedule is one Dr. Dodds recommends and should not be interpreted to mean that other protocols recommended by a veterinarian would be less satisfactory. It’s a matter of professional judgment and choice.
9-10 Weeks Old:
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV (e.g. Merck Nobivac [Intervet Progard] Puppy DPV)
14-16 Weeks:
Same as above
20 Weeks or Older (if allowable by law):
1 Year:
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV (optional = titer)
1 Year after the initial dose:
Rabies, killed 3-year product (give 3-4 weeks apart from distemper/parvovirus booster)
Perform vaccine antibody titers for distemper and parvovirus every three years thereafter, or more often, if desired. Vaccinate for rabies virus according to the law, except where circumstances indicate that a written waiver needs to be obtained from the primary care veterinarian. In that case, a rabies antibody titer can also be performed to accompany the waiver request. See the Rabies Challenge Fund website.
W. Jean Dodds, DVM
Hemopet / NutriScan
11561 Salinaz Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92843